Women’s Day 2024
Beautiful weather! Beautiful scenery! Beautiful people!
If you attended the 2024 Women’s Day last week in Oak Hill, WV, you were blessed with all three beauties. From 9:00am until 2:00pm, the ladies in attendance enjoyed praising God in song, fellowship with each other, updates from members of the ABWM Executive Board, messages of hope and inspiration, and (of course) some outstanding food! The hospitality from the members of Calvary Baptist Church was so splendid that it’s difficult to express appreciation in mere words. So here are some virtual {{{HUGS}}} to all the ladies who cooked the homemade meals and desserts. I’m certain everyone’s palate was in sheer delight with every meal!!
Results of the ministries and mission projects that YOU contributed to were also shared.
New projects and goals for the 2025 were provided to give everyone in attendance a glimpse into next year. More current donated dollar amounts will be shared through the Winter Edition of Seasons coming out in November. But let me share how we’re doing in a couple of our ministry collections: Love Gift and WV Blessings. As of August 31, 2024, Love Gift offerings equaled $26,148.93 with WV Blessings bringing in $13,137.41. As a reminder, the WV Blessings offering was created in 2023 to provide an alternative to Love Gift for those women’s groups that wanted to see their donations used for West Virginia people and projects. You can learn more about the WV Blessings offering by clicking on the Missions tab above.
In addition to ministry and mission project results, President Dee Wanner opened the floor for the annual ABWM Business Meeting. New officers and project coordinators were recommended by the Nominating Committee and amendments to 2025 Bylaws were brought up for consideration. All motions were approved by unanimous vote. Installation of new officers and recognition of current officers and coordinators was lead by Koreen Villers through the ingredients needed to make a taco salad. (You had to be there.) In the afternoon, the members of the 2024 Mexico Mission trip shared their experience through heartfelt stories and songs sang in Spanish. Eight of the 10 team members were present as well as Deb Myers who also provided the Missionary address.
I just want to touch on the highlights because more detailed information will be provided in the Seasons Magazine that comes out next month. You can also check out pictures and videos on our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as on the Stories in Pictures tab. If you have pictures or videos you would like to share, please send them to contact@abwmwv.org so we can add them to the page.