All Creation Worships You!
“Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth;
Break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises.”
I like to put together the MMM over the weekend when I have time to pray and think about what to write for a morning devotion. I wasn’t able to accomplish that this weekend. Here it is Monday morning, and I am still struggling to hear the message God wants me to share. I prayed last night before I went to sleep and again this morning. But as I laid there in my bed this morning, the sound of birdsong spilled in my window filled with praises and adoration for their Creator. It was at that moment that God spoke to me with the following message…..
I am located in one of the greatest places in the world to listen to birdsong. That is my opinion, not a proven fact…. But I stand by my conviction with confidence. :) I live up a West Virginia hollow (a.k.a. holler). I’m sure you’re familiar with the term. Our holler is very narrow with hills on both sides leaving only enough room for the “run” or creek and the one-lane country road. All of the houses, barns, and other buildings are built on the sides of the hills. As a result of the landscape, our home is nestled in a sort of natural bowl surrounded on all sides by giant black walnut, sycamore, and various other trees. Multifloral rose proliferates alongside blackberry vines, forest flowers, and ferns. All sorts of creatures can be seen and heard any day (or night) such as deer, bear, coyotes, bobcats, box turtles, squirrel, chipmunks, skunk, fox, and more. There are so many birds in the trees that only God, Himself, could count them all. Just as I’m writing this, a beautiful male cardinal lit on the porch railing near me. I just filled the bird feeders over the weekend, so I believe he was thanking me in his own subtle way.
I wish I could put it into words just how beautiful and soothing it is to be witness to this grand choral performance. Each bird singing its own song yet harmonizing with the hundreds of other birds in the trees. Even the occasional crow with its squawking and clicking noises adds to the melody. All their songs echoing off the hillsides in glorious, unending, unrestrained praise to their Creator. Early in the morning there are no other sounds…. No cars, no lawn mowers or weed eaters, no train in the distance, no side-by-sides or dirt bikes buzzing up the road, my German Shepherd quietly napping at my feet. It’s just the birds, and me, and God. I can’t help but to close my eyes to meditate on God to offer my own form of praise and worship. I remain quiet with my praises coming from my mind and heart. I feel completely enshrouded by nature at that moment as time seams to stop and I can literally feel the arms of God wrap around me…. His peace soaking deep into my heart, mind, and my very soul.
I wish I could stay in these moments forever, but I’m soon brought back in time and the realization that the day brings duties, responsibilities, expectations, a To-Do list. But now I’m ready to face the day! My spirit is filled with joy, and I am reminded the He is in control. I will “not fear because I am of more value than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:7)
I hope you are able to find that time and location that you can meet up with God. Not everyone is a nature lover, and that is ok. But it is an awe-inspiring and amazing experience to free your mind of the busyness of the day to just focus on the beautiful planet that we call home and the myriad of creatures with whom we share it. There is no other form of genuine authentic praise than that of nature. Whether it is early morning birdsong or late at night with crickets and peepers, I encourage you to find the time and join all creation in worshiping Yahweh!
“Praise the LORD from the earth,
You great sea creatures and all the depths;
Fire and hail, snow and clouds;
Stormy wind, fulfilling His word;
Mountains and all hills;
Fruitful trees and all cedars;
Beasts and all cattle;
Creeping things and flying fowl;”