A Prayer for Pastors’ Wives

A Prayer for Pastors’ Wives

. . . I pray for authentic, loving, non-judgmental, supportive friendships

. . . I pray for grace beyond understanding when she must share her husband with those who are unkind to him

. . . I pray for freedom from guilt when she is unable to do ALL that is expected of her from dozens and dozens (or maybe even hundreds or thousands) of people

. . . I pray for happy surprises and unexpected blessings on a regular basis

. . . I pray for strength when her husband walks away again to care for someone other than her

. . . I pray for understanding when her husband speaks gently and patiently to those he counsels but becomes frustrated with her for needing similar counsel

. . . I pray for creativity and energy in loving her husband well in order to minimize his stress and make him happy

. . . I pray for tender moments with her Savior that remind her that her ministry is for His sake

. . . I pray that she will represent Christ well even when she just doesn’t feel like it

. . . I pray against doubt when her ministry is difficult and Satan tries to convince her this means she is making a mistake (as though God never calls his people into difficult situations)

. . . I pray for supernatural amounts of energy at times when she needs it most but has nothing within her human strength to draw from

. . . I pray for a husband who understands that he shouldn’t sacrifice his family on the altar of ministry

. . . I pray for Scripture to come alive inside her heart during moments of temptation

. . . I pray against bitterness and resentment

. . . I pray against laziness and selfishness

. . . I pray that the sanctification she recognizes in her own heart will bring incredible encouragement

. . . I pray for rest

. . . I pray for a faith that is far greater than her limited human imagination

. . . I pray for forgiveness–that she will ask for it willingly, give it freely, and receive it graciously

. . . I pray that she will get to witness miracles and recognize them as such

. . . I pray that she will always believe herself beautiful no matter what her physical condition because she is created in the image of God

. . . I pray for a common primary vision with her husband so that they are consistently working toward the same goal

. . . I pray against gossip, whether it be from her lips or against her or her husband

. . . I pray that her husband will treasure Christ and only Christ more greatly than her so that he can treasure her well

. . . I pray for relationships that sharpen and support simultaneously

. . . I pray for fun

. . . I pray for biblically grounded mentors and Christ-centered, wise counsel

. . . I pray for quality time with her husband and children when quantity isn’t possible

. . . I pray that every day will bring a deeper understanding of God’s unfathomable, unconditional, unchanging love for her, and that she will not just know about it but truly believe it

. . . I pray that the approval she has in Christ will be enough when her work tends to go unnoticed or unappreciated by those around her

. . . I pray for abundant happy days, but I pray for all-surpassing joy even on the not so happy days

. . . I pray that she will be respected but not elevated

. . . I pray that she will be proud of her husband but not idolize him

. . . I pray that Hebrews 1:3-4 will overflow her heart with hope

. . . I pray for freedom in Christ

. . . I pray against guilty feelings when she does get to relax from time to time

. . . I pray that her memory will trap moments of love and laughter like a vice grip and release moments of worry and distress like water through a sieve

. . . I pray that the ultimate cry of her heart will always be to honor Christ and that she will remain on the path to a long obedience in that direction even though she will fail and take a few steps backward at times

. . . I pray for rich community and fellowship among solid believers firmly rooted in Christ

. . . I pray that the words Abba Father will mean more to her heart than to her head

. . . I pray that she will always know that Jesus Christ is under her as her foundation, in front of her as her shepherd, and within her as her righteousness

. . . I pray that she will be eternally fascinated and astonished by the Gospel and that it will transform every aspect of her life.

Becky Wilson

Becky Wilson, a regular contributor to For the Church, is a mom of two daughters and a pastor's wife for more than twenty years. She is married to Jared, and they live in Missouri. Becky blogs on "food and home for the glory of God" at sassyfeast.com.


A Spiritual Spring


March is Pastor’s Wife Appreciation Month