Trust the Timing
Timing is Everything.
Have you ever had one of those chocolate countdown calendars to keep track of how many days are left until Christmas? They taste a little like chocolate mixed with cardboard. They’re fun! Each day of December you open a cardboard flap and eat a piece of stale candy while thoughts of sugar plums and fairies dance in your head. Christmas is special, and that is one of the many special ways to celebrate it.
Countdowns are eager ways to pass the time before something awesome happens, like going to Disney World, a school break, or the release of your favorite movie sequel. Like we discussed in the last guide, the Jewish people had been counting down the days until they’d meet their Messiah.
The word messiah simply means “anointed.” This was the person who was going to deliver these people from their unfair rulers. He was going to set it right. He was coming— and they were counting down the days. The Jewish people had experienced massive setbacks and countless moments of false hope. This was especially difficult during the 400 years of “silence” leading up to Jesus’s birth. God had not spoken to them by a prophet from the end of Malachi to the beginning of the book of Matthew. This proves a crucial principle. Just because God seems silent, it doesn’t mean He is distant. Just because it seems like He isn’t speaking, doesn’t mean He is not working. God is the master of good timing.
“But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. (ESV)”
This passage says that in the “fullness of time” is when Jesus came. Meaning it was planned just the way God intended for it to happen. Born in a stable? Rested in a feeding trough? All taking place in middle-of-nowhere Bethlehem? Exactly as God had intended.
Trust the timing because God is always on time.
Do you feel like there has to be something more for you? Trust the timing.
Do you want clarity about your future? Trust the timing.
Are you ready for the next phase in your life— whatever it is? Trust the timing.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
This passage is a powerful promise to us. It explains that everything is working together for the good of God’s people. If you are surrounded by trouble, it’s really just a transition. If it’s not good, then God’s not done. When you look back at this years later, it will all make sense.
Trust the timing.
By: J Shultz, Circle Devotions